NEW: Discovering Birmingham •	6th Edition, to be published May 2025. •	Now at first page proof.  Full details here……

Upcoming Tours

Digbeth, Public Art and Peaky Film

On our Saturday morning walking tour to Digbeth we sometimes make it to the Digbeth Loc studios where Peaky Blinders is being filmed if time allows. Great for a selfie! The artist is Daniel Russell-Ahern - street name Mr Murals, who comes from Sutton Coldfield
aniel Russell-Ahern - AKA:  Mr Murals Over 900 Reviews
School tours can include elements about Peaky Blinders. We can also do a special Digbeth Peaky Blinder route for those interested in seeing the film studios and Peaky Blinder murals for a selfie!
Contact Points: Birmingham Picture Library:  Email:  Tel: 0121 765 4114  Mobile: 07973 379050  Cookie policy - no cookies on this site. Tour Guiding: Technology and Virtual Tours:                      further info……. Book Self-Guided/Virtual Tour Book Self-Guided/Virtual Tour Positively Birmingham Walking Tour Gift Cards Positively Birmingham Walking Tour  brochure Our Birmingham Shop Our Birmingham Shop Birmingham Walking Tour Blog Birmingham Walking Tour Blog
School/Uni Tours
School/Uni Tours
Public Birmingham Walking Tours Fun and memorable walking tours of Birmingham. Birmingham’s #1 walking tour on TripAdvisor for 9 years. Saturday 10.30-12.30 Digbeth, Public Art & Peaky Film. Saturday 10.30 - 12.30 Birmingham’s Public Art. A walk with the author Saturday 13.30-15.30 Canals & Victorians to today’s city. Sundays 13.30-15.30 Discovering Birmingham & the Jewellery Quarter.
Birmingham Walking Tour Book Birmingham Walking Tour Book Private Tours Private Tours
Our Books Featuring the photography and writing of our Head Guide - Jonathan Berg. Positively Birmingham: Sold out. 5th Ed. available 2nd hand on Amazon. Discovering Birmingham: city guide. New Edition to be published May 2025 Invention & Design; Elkington of Birmingham. Tells an amazing Jewellery Quarter story NEW: Birmingham’s Public Art: Book website here:

Our books are all available from our

internet shop here….

ACME No. 58 Sporting Whistle

Perhaps the most famous product still produced in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter. Specially commissioned designs of the original referee whistle which is still used around the world are available from our shop starting a just £12.
Walking tour tips…. Best ticket prices from our website here…. Weekend walking tours throughout the year. Private tours for organisations of all descriptions. See here… No quibble refund if you can not make it on tour. Tours raise money for Sifa Fireside. £39,000 donated since 2016. See here:
Birmingham Walking Tours